Saturday, February 6, 2010

It's been almost a year since my last entry. So many things have happened since then--the most important being my second child, Maccabee, was born on Thanksgiving.

Though I have much less freedom to volunteer now, I did facilitate one last 5/6 book group in October, and I am continuing as enrichment coordinator for the school. This year I booked again through Young Audiences of Massachusetts. This year the fabulous David Zucker returned to he perform his Odyssey of the Mime program in December. In January Made in the Shade jazz quintet performed, and Norah Dooley is scheduled for April. I tried to book her for March, Read Across America month, but no luck. Most importantly this year, I am co-chairing a committee to organize the first annual Arthur D. Healey school arts enrichment fundraiser to secure funding for the following year's programming. Now we can book in advance and worry less about conflicts. I hope we can also schedule more.

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